Rwandan Genocide


 E. Johnson created this website as a project for a class on the Holocaust.  It was intended to study other genocides of the 20th century to better understand why the Holocaust took place.  By researching the Rwandan Genocide, E. Johnson now has a better understanding of the events that took place and why this massacre occured.

M. Hamel researched information on the Rwandan genocide in order to help create this informative website.  M. Hamel now has a better understanding on the Rwandan genocide and how it started.

A. Elie enjoys studying about the Holocaust, and found that studying the Rwandan genocide would better help her understand why these events occured.  She found this to be an eye opening experience and hopes to share what she has learned with the world.

C. Ford helped to create this website, which informs people of the events of the Rwandan genocide.  This project has helped her to have a deeper and more personal understanding if this genocide, as well as the Holocaust.  By connecting these two events through her studies, C. Ford has a greater respect for life.

Works Cited

Koff, Clea.  The Bone Woman.   Random House:  New York, 2004.

Michaels, Marguerite. “Streets of Slaughter.” Time. 25 April 1994.

Mariella Furrer “Fears of ‘Another Rwanda’”. Newsweek April 10 1995.

Peace Pledge Union Informatoin.  Genocide.  March 20, 2009.  <>. 

Ransdell, Eric.  “Why is Rwanda killing itself?”  U.S. News & World Report.  23 May  1994. 

Steven Roberts. “Rwanda’s trail of Tears”. Best Ways to Stay in Health May 16th 1994.

United Human Rights Council.  Genocide in Rwanda


Rembering the genocide.  March 20, 2009.  <>.



Suggested Books and Movies on the Genocide


        Left to Tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza

        Conspiracy to Murder: The Rwandan Genocide by Linda Melvern

        The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide by Gerard Prunier


        Hotel Rwanda directed by Terry George

        Beyond the Gates directed by Michael Caton-Jones